About the Noel Studio


The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity programs exist to create innovative support for communication, research, and teaching and learning initiatives that enhance deep learning at EKU. The Noel Studio is a multiliteracy center offering integrated support for writing, speaking, research, and multimodal communication. We help students develop effective communication skills by promoting critical and creative thinking through peer-to-peer meetings called consultations, as well as by providing technology, spaces, and resources, with or without a consultation. Additionally, the Noel Studio serves as the umbrella program for multiple campus units, including those that support faculty development via the Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning (FCT&L).

You can access our Mission, Vision, & Values and learn more about our history, staff and structure, and how our programs support students and faculty development, as well as how we can work with faculty to integrate writing and communication support into their classroom, using the left-side navigation menu, "Explore the Noel Studio."